
 Surrealismus, Pop Art,

Op Art, Graffiti, Symbolism, Constructivism, Dadaism,

Geometric Abstract, Cubism, Archaic Art,

Object art, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art, Dadaism, Assemblage,

Art of Noise, Neue Music, 

Pop Culture, Blues

& Rock 'n' Roll

influence my whole Artwork. 

Born in Barcelona.

Based in Berlin.


Professional Association of Fine Artists, Berlin.

F AMA acronym my long name & in a near future, it mai represent the collective of Artists, who are part of the Art Factory. 

Adriana Alicia

Fanés Molins.

Interdisciplinary Artist

All my artworks are » Poetic Acts*«;  There are different kinds :

»Poetic Act•Painting«, 

»Poetic Act•Performance«, 

»Poetic Act•Sculpture:

Ephemeral & Perpetual Design«,

»Poetic Act•Sound Experiments«,

»Poetic Act• Photography«


»Poetic Act•Now for Peace«, a section with a special specific actual relevance

Each one follows one »Manifesto*« :

"I come from anywhere,

but I have always been from everywhere.

The only thing that reveals where I am coming from is my stomach. Being my taste my faithful safeguard. 

As a good, true, original born child in Catalunya,

I was breastfed with surrealism

and the inherited legacy, go wild,

involve in »Poetic Acts«. 

A kind of life’s Odes balancing

between mythology

and an autobiographical epic symbology

that I perform to metabolize life experiences. "


:  I declare myself

Artcomposer & Cosmicdancer

Working on Canvas

• Skulpture

Assemblage n° 2  • Ephemeral Design •

»Pebrots« • »una relació més orgànica«

»to be brave« or »an organic relationship«

Following the melody "Tell me where the flowers are" from Peter Seeger, translated later into German language by Max Colped, sung by the beautiful, incredible, unique Marlene Dietrich, which reaches our hearts deeply … after every war… where everything is destroyed and only a few remained ... and oppositely how beautiful can be here after a real evolution.

Approximately the lyrics can be translated into English without being able to avoid little variations. "I habe woven time

time was so pleased

I knitted it silently,

wrapped with real wool

I habe made a ball with it

Fate decides then what will happen now

Uncertain Uncertainty follows until the end

Are tears just water and salt?

And everyone of us a star shining in the sky" FAMA ©osmic singer

Berlin from A to B 

Fotography 2019 - 2025

Now • Art for Peace • Die Kunst ist eine Friedenswaffe !
Aktio-Reaktio • Schulß Aus und Basta !

<<  I’m bleeding but it doesn’t hurt Oozing blood for seven days

The eternal mystery of Life and Death are feeding each other

The chosen one to remain eating the fruit of the bloody harvest

Let’s have a toast ... we are alive !

Im memoriam  >>

Poetic Acts • Sculpture •   Perpetual Design

2024 - 2017

Poetic Acts • Sculpture • Assemblages  

Ephemeral Design


„ Unser Leben ist eine Ansammlung all dieser gelebten Tage,

an die wir uns kaum erinnern,
wenn nichts Außergewöhnliches passiert.
Und genau in diesem Mangel an Außergewöhnlichkeit

liegt der Schatz des Alltags verborgen"

"Our life is a collection of all these lived days,

which we can hardly remember when nothing extraordinary happens. And it is precisely in this lack of extraordinary events

that the treasure of everyday life is hidden"

 (*) All food used to create the different << Assamblages >> , is rotten or is going to be cooked next. 

Poetic Acts • Performance


As a good, true, original born child

in Catalunya,

I was breastfeed with surrealism


the inherited legacy,

go wild, involve in »Poetic Acts«.

A kind of life’s Odes

balancing between mythology


an autobiographical epic symbology

that I perform 

on and off

to celebrate life.

I hear the sea. . .

Far away . . . I hear the sea . . .

. . . just a projection . . .

. . . a nostalgic call . . .

. . . closely the blowing of the wind

and the train I muss take to follow my bliss . . .

. . . at the distance,

. . . I still hear the sea . . .

. . . drinking a glass of water with a little dash of salt;

salty dreams !,

seaweeds & fishes' iridescent scales

with pepper & olive oil . . .

how happy I am !

pleasant dreams are coming to be true

. . . dreams dipping into the blue of 

. . . dreams from the come & go of the sea waves ‘ foam ,

Sweet dreams, the sea is calm . . .

Poetic Acts • Sound


Berlin • from A to B 

2019 - 2025

The subjective perspective is the human link to the material world.

Being the camera the instrument, a product of civilization

& the photography, the result of the working tool chosen to embody, in that case & this occasion, my human point of view.

I had phases in which I shut near every day, at any moment,

. . . it was a kind of tick I have developed during the university studies,

where I came in touch with the marvelous instrument

. . . for me a kind of sacred object

. . . that perpetuates reality with its technical love to detail

. . . with more than what I have seen, realize or I still remember about, remains forever frozen . . . 

F.A.M.A. • Kunstfabrik


© Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Berlin, Deutschland.